Imagine Jesus of Nazareth telling you his story, in his own words.
This literal translation phrases the Gospels in the first-person so you can experience just that.
“Startlingly direct” “Intensely personal” “A deeply intimate encounter”
Sample Pages
Sample Quotes
“She gave birth to me, her firstborn son. She wrapped me in bands of cloth and laid me in a feeding trough, because there was no room for us in the inn.”
“All the crowd sought to touch me, for power came out of me and healed them all.”
“A woman named Martha received me into her house. She had a sister called Mary, who was sitting at my feet and listening to my word.”
“I said, ‘Where have you laid him?’ They told me, ‘Master, come and see.’ I wept.”
“She wet my feet with her tears, kissed my feet, and anointed them with the perfume.”
“One of my disciples, whom I loved, was at the table, leaning against my chest. He leaned back and asked me, ‘Master, who is it?’”
“I took bread, and when I had given thanks, I broke and gave it to them, saying, ‘This is my body which is given for you. Do this in memory of me.’”
“I turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered my word, how I said to him, ‘Before the rooster crows you will deny me three times.’”
“They spat in my face and beat me with their fists, and some slapped me, saying, ‘Prophesy to us, you Anointed One! Who hit you?’”
“They crucified me there with the criminals, one on the right and the other on the left. I said, ‘Father! Forgive them, for they don’t know what they’re doing!’”
“When I had risen early on the first day of the week, I appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom I had cast out seven demons.”
“I was received up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. They went out and preached everywhere, while I worked with them and confirmed the word by the signs that followed.”
“For God so loved the world that he gave me, his unique Son, that whoever believes in me should not perish, but live forever.”
365 Readings
Could you imagine Jesus spending five minutes a day speaking personally just to you?
That’s why Jesus First-Person is broken up into 365 readings.
Will you let him? Start tomorrow!
We believe that the Gospels are the inspired Word of God and are to be handled with the highest care and deepest reverence.
Jesus First-Person (JFP) is a literal translation of the Bible, similar to the NASB or ESV. Like these popular word-for-word versions, JFP has its roots in the RV/ASV, the only authorized update to the KJV. Aside from using simpler language, the only substantial difference between JFP and the ASV is that, instead of referring to Messiah in the third-person (he, him, his) these accounts are phrased in the first-person (I, me, my).
Are such adjustments acceptable? We believe so for three reasons: 1. The actual meaning of the text has not been changed, only the perspective. 2. Messiah was telling his story to/through these four authors as they were moved by the Holy Spirit to write. 3. The Gospels themselves use slightly different phraseology depending on the audience: Matthew speaks of "the Kingdom of Heaven" while Mark and Luke phrase this "the Kingdom of God".
We were concerned that a word-for-word translation would sound unnatural and not the way the Master would sound if he were a native English speaker telling his story. But we decided to err on the side of the original text, trusting that the voice of Jesus will be heard clearly by those who desire it. A more natural English translation may also be forthcoming so please sign up for emails to get the release announcement.
This is hardly an exhaustive treatment of the rigorous process and detailed principles behind this translation but we hope that it has helped to answer some of your biggest questions.
My deepest passion is to know and follow Jesus as closely as I can. That was how Jesus First-Person happened—I longed to hear the Master himself, telling me his story, through the Gospels. So I began phrasing it in my mind that way as I read. I felt like I was on the verge of an incredibly deep experience, but I couldn't get lost in the story because my mind was busy rephrasing everything. And so Jesus First-Person was born. Read more of my story here:
Start Group
What if you started a Jesus First-Person reading/discussion group? Not only would it deepen your friendships, but it would also give you a place to invite non-believers! That's what Yeshua Groups is: a network of groups getting together to tell the stories of Scripture and talk about them, campfire-style. If you're not sure how to start a group, or don't know what the best discussion questions are, this website has it all.
Learn Hebrew
You're here because you desire to get closer to Jesus. Holy Language Institute helps people get closer to Messiah and become more authentic disciples through Hebrew, the language of the Bible that Jesus read. Learn the Hebrew alphabet, pray the Hebrew names of God, and so much more in our "Hebrew Quest" course.
Yeshua First-Person
In addition to Jesus First-Person, we also offer Yeshua First-Person: a Hebrew names version, written for religious Jews and others seeking to encounter Yeshua in his original Jewish context. Get a copy for your Jewish friend?
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